By Elmer Lyle Jones
I was born June 7, 1920 Ottawa County, Kansas and nearly departed this world June
6, 1942 in the deep, deep water of the Pacific Ocean after the Battle of Midway.
I was the last of four children and my mother died
when I was just six years old; my oldest sister was twelve. Believe me we were
dirt poor. I heard a man say they were as poor as church mice and I told him
that was nothing, the church mice brought us care packages. But, my father
managed to keep us together and got us through high school during the terrible
depression and horrible dust storms.
After graduating high school in Minneapolis, Kansas,
there was not much to look forward to in the future. The economy had picked up
a little by 1939 but not much. One of my classmates told me he heard I was a
pretty good tractor driver and of course, not being the bashful type, I told
him I was the best. He said his dad told him if I would help them harvest the
wheat I could stay and help with the plowing and reseeding the next crop. That
sounded real good, but the last day of harvest the old man told me that he and
his son talked it over and they guessed they could put the wheat in by
Instead, when I got to town, I went right in and
signed up for the Civilian Conservation Corps. Dad was not too pleased when I
told him about it. In less than a week, I was in the C.C.C. camp at Marysville,
Kansas. I wish to state right here, that was one of the most hard-working
organizations I was ever connected with and I really enjoyed it. One day my
barracks mate was reading the local paper and looked at me and said,"Jones,
the Navy recruiting officer will be here next Thursday. Let’s go down and join.” Now, I
only weighed 110 pounds soaking wet. I had never even seen a body of water
bigger than the county lake.
On top
of that, I was so afraid of water if I was watching a movie and it showed a
ship sinking I would get up and leave, and come back in after I figured it was
over. When we reported for our physical the recruiter told him he was too fat
but looked at me and said, “We can build this boy up.” Six years and fourteen
days later when I was discharged I weighed 118 pounds.
About a week later, I went home for the weekend and
when I got back there was a letter for me telling me to report to Topeka, Ks,
by 10:00 a.m. Monday. I had no automobile but I got on the train and when I got
there the chief told me they already sent their quota. Then he said, "Have
you got any money?" I said yes and he told me if I wanted to pay my own
way to Kansas City someone might be rejected and I could take his place. The
train was ready to leave, so he took my money and ran in to get the ticket. We
were moving when he came out and handed me my ticket to K.C. Now I want you to
understand I had not been on a train since I was four years old, so when the
conductor came through and announced, "All off for Kansas City," I
got off. I did not realize there was also a Kansas City Missouri. Where I got
off I was told later was an elevated station and you could go down a stairs and
catch a cab. Instead, I started walking down the tracks after my train.
Now I must have been about a mile into the town when I saw a building ahead with a sign that said “Swift and Company.” I was going in to ask for help but when I got there a policeman was standing out by the building, so I told him my sad tale and he said, "You got any money?” I told him I did so he called a cab and I heard him tell the driver, "You get this boy over to the federal building and don't spare the horses. If anyone says anything you tell them to come see me." It was almost 5:00 p.m. but we made it. No one was rejected but they took me anyway. We got on the train for Chicago and when the porter came and made up the beds, I was standing in the aisle and there was no bunk for me. I had just made up my mind to go sit in the smoker all night when a kid named Alvin Gugelman from Bern, Kansas stuck his head out and said, "Don't you have a bunk?" I told him no and he said, "If you aren't afraid of me, crawl up here and sleep with me.” And I did. We were together for four years after that. I did not know this boy and I do not believe I would do that in this day and age.
Now I must have been about a mile into the town when I saw a building ahead with a sign that said “Swift and Company.” I was going in to ask for help but when I got there a policeman was standing out by the building, so I told him my sad tale and he said, "You got any money?” I told him I did so he called a cab and I heard him tell the driver, "You get this boy over to the federal building and don't spare the horses. If anyone says anything you tell them to come see me." It was almost 5:00 p.m. but we made it. No one was rejected but they took me anyway. We got on the train for Chicago and when the porter came and made up the beds, I was standing in the aisle and there was no bunk for me. I had just made up my mind to go sit in the smoker all night when a kid named Alvin Gugelman from Bern, Kansas stuck his head out and said, "Don't you have a bunk?" I told him no and he said, "If you aren't afraid of me, crawl up here and sleep with me.” And I did. We were together for four years after that. I did not know this boy and I do not believe I would do that in this day and age.
I did not enjoy boot camp. Although I did not
particularly hate it, I certainly did not like getting up at 4 a.m. to take
down my hammock and go to the basement and scrub it. We had to do this once a
week. After I got aboard my ship I
recognized how important it was for them to teach us cleanliness. When you have
that many men in close proximity cleanliness is a primary concern to all. If
memory serves me right, training was twelve weeks, and then we were transferred
to the outgoing unit. They put a list of the available ships on a bulletin
board, lined us up alphabetically and told us to pick what ship we wanted to go
to. There were four of us who had become good friends and wanted to stay
together. The three of them wanted to go to a big ship, but I wanted to go on a
destroyer. Well, most all the men wanted a big ship and I thought by the time
we got our pick all the big ones would be taken as our names were Alvin
Gugleman, Elmer Jones, Marshall Jones and Bernie Pierce. So I said if there is
a big ship left when we get up there I will go on it with you but if there is
not you will pick the destroyer USS Hammann (DD – 412), and of course I won.
In May 1940, we were sent to the Norfolk Navy Yard
to pick up our ship. We had to take a Ferry across the bay and when we got off
as we were waiting for the bus I told Marshall Jones, “Let’s get off this
floating dock.” He looked at me and said, “What’s wrong with you? This is a concrete
pier." It felt to me like I was just floating up and down and by the time
we got to the base I was so sea sick I could not eat supper. I thought,
"My god, I signed up for six years of this."
Our first foreign port was Guantanamo, Cuba. When
you go through the locks of the Panama Canal you have to keep up steam as
though you were at sea. A little old destroyer, when it is down in the bottom
of the locks is just like hell, as far as heat is concerned. It got so hot one
of the fire extinguishers popped off. I for one was glad when that was over.
We finally ended up in
the south pacific and all we did was train, train and train. If you had the 12
to 4 watch you would just about get in your bunk and they would sound “General
quarters, general quarters. Man all battle stations.” Then they would say,
“This is a drill.” If the big ships went into Pearl Harbor we had to be on
patrol to guard against attack. That was why it was so hard to believe it when
we heard about the attack. I remember one time Marshall Jones, (no relation)
and I were sitting on the after deck house in Pearl Harbor waiting for a movie
to start and he remarked, "Elmer, you know the (Japanese) could come right
over those mountains from the north and we would not even know it till they hit
us". I do not think he realized how
accurate he was. Marshall Jones was killed at Midway.
I am sure it was at
Christmas Island where we made our first stop and in those days when you were
in port the tables were set with china plates. They no sooner had the tables
set when a huge ground swell came in and tipped the ship over to such an angle
all the plates slid off the tables and most, if not all, were broken. That is
the last time I saw china plates in the Navy.
One day the engineer officer, Lt. Marvin G. Kennedy stopped me on topside and said, "Jones, I have checked the liberty list and you have not been ashore lately." Now can you imagine him doing that? He was strictly regulation, if the (regulations) said you should be hanged he would do it without a second thought, but if they said you got a break he would be just as quick to do everything in his power to see you got it. I always told my buddies if you know the regulations you know exactly where you stand with Kennedy.
One day the engineer officer, Lt. Marvin G. Kennedy stopped me on topside and said, "Jones, I have checked the liberty list and you have not been ashore lately." Now can you imagine him doing that? He was strictly regulation, if the (regulations) said you should be hanged he would do it without a second thought, but if they said you got a break he would be just as quick to do everything in his power to see you got it. I always told my buddies if you know the regulations you know exactly where you stand with Kennedy.
Any how, he told me we were having a beer bust and a ball game this afternoon and I said, "Mr. Kennedy, I do not drink beer and I do not play ball." He informed me there would be soft drinks and sandwiches, and made it perfectly clear that I would be there. This little harbor we were anchored in was called La Haina Roads, Hawaii. There was a big hotel there as I remember and it is the only building that I remember. In there they had a bar and I got started drinking Tom Collins and got drunk as a skunk. Who do you think was officer of the deck when two of my shipmates, one on each side helped, actually carried, me up the gangway. I had acquired a coconut and in my drunken attempt to salute the Flag and the officer of the deck I dropped my coconut and dropped down on my knees and went crawling after it. The last thing I remember was hearing Mr. Kennedy say, "Get him below decks." He would not speak to me for two weeks after that.
Mr. Kennedy was a
submarine man and I thought nothing could ever affect him. After the Hammann
sank and we got back to San Francisco, The Yorktown and Hammann pooled their
ships’ service funds and rented a ballroom. There were more U.S.O. girls there
than I had ever seen. Mr. Kennedy was
there and as he shook hands with us there were big tears in his eyes. He really
was human after all.
In May of 1940 we got orders to go to the Atlantic on
neutrality patrol escorting ships taking supplies and troops to Europe. So, we
went back through the Panama Canal. The North Atlantic was the most horrendous
physical duty of my six years in the Navy. It was the only time I even
considered missing the ship intentionally. When they told us we had to make
another trip to Iceland most of us would have given anything not to go.
Anything you did on topside you risked you life. You could not eat or sleep in
a normal manner; you had to strap yourself in your bunk. Sometimes they just
strapped large pans of boiled potatoes and Beef and bread on the mess tables
and you walked by to grab some bread and meat for a sandwich then grab a cold
potato to go with it and then look for a place where you could brace yourself
until you finished eating.
In the engine room on the centerline of the ship is an instrument, I do not recall what it is called, that records the list of the ship. You cannot force it to go out further but you can bring it back to zero. Once we rolled over to 69 degrees. I am pretty sure that is correct. When we got in to port and entered the Boston Navy Yard they read it and said that was impossible and if we did then we would not come back up. But we did. The men in the fire room said we dipped water in the boiler stack. It was certainly not a pleasure cruise. One man went topside to get to his watch station when a big wave caught him and threw him over a gun mount. Luckily it slammed him down on deck. He broke his shoulder and I was told the movement of the ship was so painful they strapped him down in the commander’s chair and kept him doped up so he could stand it. I do not know what happened to him after that.
Few people knew that we were engaged in a sea war with German submarines at that time. As I understand it we could take convoys of ships over to England but as long as we did not go within a set distance from shore they were not to fire torpedoes at our Navy ships. But when we got to Iceland, I believe the USS Kearny was there with a hole in her side from a German torpedo. One strange sight was an old whaling ship that can drop the stern of the ship down and pull a whale in for processing. I do not know if the ship had listed just as a torpedo hit or if the torpedo skipped but the torpedo was a dud and was sticking about half way into the ship, I would judge, about six to eight feet above the waterline.
We were in Iceland when we were told the (Japanese) hit Pearl Harbor, which I believe is about as far as you can get from Pearl Harbor on this earth. It turned out to be a little more of a job than we thought. That is one time I was glad to be in Iceland. We returned immediately to Charleston South Carolina.
In the engine room on the centerline of the ship is an instrument, I do not recall what it is called, that records the list of the ship. You cannot force it to go out further but you can bring it back to zero. Once we rolled over to 69 degrees. I am pretty sure that is correct. When we got in to port and entered the Boston Navy Yard they read it and said that was impossible and if we did then we would not come back up. But we did. The men in the fire room said we dipped water in the boiler stack. It was certainly not a pleasure cruise. One man went topside to get to his watch station when a big wave caught him and threw him over a gun mount. Luckily it slammed him down on deck. He broke his shoulder and I was told the movement of the ship was so painful they strapped him down in the commander’s chair and kept him doped up so he could stand it. I do not know what happened to him after that.
Few people knew that we were engaged in a sea war with German submarines at that time. As I understand it we could take convoys of ships over to England but as long as we did not go within a set distance from shore they were not to fire torpedoes at our Navy ships. But when we got to Iceland, I believe the USS Kearny was there with a hole in her side from a German torpedo. One strange sight was an old whaling ship that can drop the stern of the ship down and pull a whale in for processing. I do not know if the ship had listed just as a torpedo hit or if the torpedo skipped but the torpedo was a dud and was sticking about half way into the ship, I would judge, about six to eight feet above the waterline.
We were in Iceland when we were told the (Japanese) hit Pearl Harbor, which I believe is about as far as you can get from Pearl Harbor on this earth. It turned out to be a little more of a job than we thought. That is one time I was glad to be in Iceland. We returned immediately to Charleston South Carolina.

When we heard we were going to Charleston S.C. I among others thought “good we will be down south where it is warm”. Did we ever get fooled. We tied up to a dock and went on cold iron watch. For those who are not familiar with that statement that means we secured our boilers and took steam from the yard facilities. You cannot imagine on a completely metal ship how penetrating the cold can be.
I had been working cleaning and painting the bilges
all day and wanted to take a shower before going ashore. Someone told me there
was no hot water but I said I would not put on my dress blues without a
shower. You talk about cold; it made
Iceland feel like a tropical paradise. I went right over to the Charleston
hotel rented a room, filled the tub full of hot water and jumped in. Do not
remember how long it took me to thaw out.
We went back through the Panama Canal and I thought
we would really hit full speed and go directly to Pearl Harbor but we just
eased along at 2/3 speed and the water was so smooth it was monotonous. After
two days we went to full speed and when we to Mare Is. they made a lot of
repairs and changes. I do not remember how long we stayed there but I do
remember that the full impact of how serious things were had not sunk in on us
When we got to Pearl Harbor
we could hardly believe our eyes at the devastation the Japanese had caused. I
have always been of the opinion that if they had brought with them to Pearl Harbor
what they brought to Midway they would have taken Hawaii. That would have made
a different war of it.
I do not remember when
we left Pearl and headed out to the southwest Pacific. I think everyone was
rather apprehensive about this trip. It was certainly a new experience for all
of us. It was like on the job training but if you don't do your job right you
might all die. I really thought we would go right out, hunt them down and slug
it out. Had no concept of how much jockeying for a favorable position they had
to do and how important that would be for the pilots who had to know where the
enemy was and wonder if they had gas enough to make it there and back. It
seemed like we sailed around day after day doing nothing but drills and staying
We set a record for
continuous days underway, 111 or 117 I cannot remember for sure but heard that
record was broken later. We would take oil from a tanker at sea and sometimes
we would even get mail. I was glad when we would go along side a British supply
ship for supplies because they would usually give us honey and the cooks would make
soda biscuits and that was a treat for me. When they gave us a bunch of mutton,
I was upset. There was even a story going around that Gen. MacArthur had a
sheep ranch in Australia and we were required to use so much mutton. When they
put mutton in the stew I usually would try to steal some Spam and bread to take
to the engine room and fry the Spam and have a sandwich. We were underway so
long the devastation we saw at Pearl Harbor seemed almost unreal. Was this a
ghost war? I remember a kid from Chicago
and I were laying on the deck up forward and they had music playing on the loud
speaker system and the sea breeze was really nice. He said to me, "You
know kid, this is the easiest war I have ever fought." We had a good laugh
about that. About two hours later we were fighting for our lives.
My battle station was
on the lower deck on pump watch. I saw nothing that went on topside. It is hard
to be a coward on a ship. A destroyer is only 327 feet long so you can't run
anywhere, you just stay on your station and sweat a lot more than usual. You
soon develop an attitude that the only thing you can do is your particular job
and you hope everyone else does too. If any man fails to do his task right it
can cost the ship and many lives.
After the battle was
over I went down and went to bed. The Lexington had been badly damaged but they
made some repairs and I believe were making 15 knots. I had just gotten to
sleep when someone woke me up and said, "Do you want to see the Lexington
go down?" I thought he was kidding but went topside and the Lexington was
a mass of flames. The word to abandon ship had been passed and we had a boat in
the water to pick up the men. If I remember right we lost that boat and its
crew. As I recall the destroyer Morris was in close to the carrier and when
planes started exploding they got excited and backed out so fast it tore a
section of his bridge off.
Commander True then
moved Hammann in close and continued to pick up survivors. I remember a mess
attendant came down a rope off the flight deck and the rope ended about 6 feet above
the water. He would not let go and all the time explosions would shoot burning
parts out over the Hammann. Finally someone jumped in the water and swam under
him and told him to let go and he would help him, so he did. We were all glad
that was over. I heard that as it was getting dark we torpedoed the Lexington
so the (Japanese) would not see it burning and that ended the Coral Sea Battle.
After the battle we
were all low on oil and the (Japanese) had sunk our tanker so we had to lay in
port at the Tonga Islands to wait for another tanker. They had sent the tanker
Neosho to where they thought it was out of danger from air raids and the
destroyer Sims was with it to protect it from submarines but the (Japanese) did
find them and sent planes which sank them both.
After we had refueled
and headed for Pearl Harbor we knew the Yorktown had been badly damaged so we
figured we would all get a nice long rest. We did not know what was planned for
us. We did think it was strange they brought some engineers out to meet the
Yorktown but later we learned of the urgency involved. Midway beckoned.
It was time to head for
Midway. We were reluctant to do so
nearly 60 years ago. We knew something
big was about to happen but they did not tell us what it was until after we got
underway and in the interest of security I can understand why. Surprise was
about the only thing we had going for us. We can all thank commander Joseph
Rochefort for that, he was the one who tricked the enemy to reveal where they
were coming to and even figure out where they would first be sighted. The
American people can be thankful to this day that we had admirals like Nimitz,
Halsey, Spruance and Fletcher to mention a few to figure out what to do. We
must remember this was a lot like on the job training for most of those
involved. The Japanese had done some of this before but we had not.
The only thing that
made you aware of the battle was the frenzy of speed and if their bombs missed
the carrier and we had a near miss and you might hear or feel the jar. We were
always screening the carrier Yorktown and of course they were not going to
waste a bomb on a destroyer if there was still a Carrier afloat. As Norman W.
Shaw, one of our signalmen wrote in his book "Screened Her Going
Down" That is exactly what we did.
We were elated when we
heard the results of the battle. I was on the 1JV phones, which was the
communication between the bridge and the controlling engine room and what
little I could hear during the battle was rather discouraging. But it was hard
to believe our ears when we heard the final reports. When they passed the word
on Yorktown to abandon ship we pulled in close to pick up the survivors, I do
not know how many we picked up.
After things settled
down and they decided to try to salvage the Yorktown, Hammann’s commander was
picked or volunteered to take the able-bodied men who had gotten off Yorktown
and go back to see if they could save the Yorktown. Hammann tied up to the
injured ship so we could furnish electric leads to submersible pumps and fire
hoses to fight the fires that were still burning. That is why we sank so fast.
We had no watertight integrity whatever.
I have read where we sank anywhere from 90 seconds to 4 minutes.
All morning I had
manned the foam generator to fight fire on the stricken ship. We had a twin
cartridge unit where you could switch back and fourth to replace one cartridge
while the while the other was being expended. The crew who were on the 8-12
morning watch was there and I remember the Chief of the watch was just pacing
back and forth with an agitated look on his face and I saw something hard to
believe. Enlisted men were never to touch a commissioned officer and vice-versa,
but the engineering officer Mr. Ray, walked around in front of the CMM took him
by the shoulders looked him right in the eye and said "Chief, settle down
there is nothing to worry about. If anything should happen we have a tug out
here that can pull us out of here at a moment’s notice.” I do not believe Mr.
Ray saw me there or he would have called the chief to one side first. The chief
did not want to close that bulkhead steam stop. I thought Mr. Ray was correct.
I felt just as safe as if I was standing out in the middle of a Kansas wheat
field. Within six hours Mr. Ray was dead. The next time I saw the chief he was
sitting in a bar called "The Lodge" at the corner of Turk and Larkin
street in San Francisco and he was wearing a Warrant Officers uniform.
I have read some articles by a Japanese submarine
commander and believe he said he launched the first torpedo around 1 p.m. so
they must have been using a different time than we were. I am sure that I had 4 8 p.m. watch and I had been on pump watch on the lower deck about 10
minutes when I heard the 20 mm guns firing and thought my god it is an air raid
but was sure there were no more enemy carriers in the area. The bridge rang up
emergency astern but of course there was no steam. About that instant a torpedo
hit and things flew everywhere. It was instant darkness; the generators were
probably thrown out of alignment and stopped immediately. I am sure a second
torpedo hit or went off underneath the Hammann and that is probably what broke
the keel. I do not remember hearing abandon ship; it was obvious that we would
have to. They always said wear your life jacket at all times, but few if any
did. I always hung mine on the handrail and said I would grab it as I went up
the ladder. That did not happen. When I got topside it suddenly occurred to me
I had no life jacket. I saw a great big black lump on the deck and it dawned on
me that it was the life jackets the Yorktown survivors had left there and they
were completely covered with old black oil that flew all over when the
torpedoes ruptured the fuel oil tanks. I rammed my hand in as far as I could
and pulled one out and saint be praised it was a good one.
I started aft and went from port to starboard at mid
ship and this put me directly under our nest of torpedo tubes. Now I knew next
to nothing about them, but there was a cable that ran from the torpedo back to
the tube they were in and I had asked a torpedo man what that was for and he
told me that when they were fired that would pull a strip of metal out of the
torpedo and then they were armed. All of these cables had been pulled. The
motors, or whatever they are called, were running wide open and made a hell of
a noise and I thought good lord if they have magnetic warheads they could go
off any time. I do not know to this day if they were magnetic or not. I ran as
fast as I could for the stern and it was already about 15 feet out of the
water. I saw four other men who had not jumped yet. One was a torpedo man who
was checking the safety settings on the depth charges. The other three were taking off their shoes
so I did too and we placed them all in a neat row, don’t ask me why, and got
ready to jump. If I live to be 100 I will
never be able to describe the feeling at that time.
If you jump in the ocean, the ship could suck you
down or if it blew up it would probably kill you, but if you ride the ship down
you knew damn well you were dead. It did not take long to decide. All four of
us jumped at the same time. The ship had started sliding bow first and we all
yelled for the torpedo man to jump but it was too late. He was killed. About
that instant there was a terrific explosion.
Great walls of water and fuel oil rolled over us and about the time you caught
your breath and wiped the oil out of your eyes another wave would hit you.
I came nearer to drowning than anything. I remember saying to myself ‘Mildred,
your little brother will never be 22.’ (Mildred was my older sister.) Someone should have been baking me a
birthday cake instead of trying to kill me. As you may remember I was born
on June 7th.
When the waves quit hitting us one of the men next
to me said, “You have blood running out of your nose, ears and mouth.” I
replied, “So what, you do too.” We could not tell it ourselves. What really
hurt on me was my back. I do not think it was injured but between the nerves
and cold water I thought my back would break.
I finally got
a hold of a raft and hung on until the USS Benham picked us up. The Benham had
rigged cargo nets over the side for us to climb aboard. Now, a rope cargo net
is not the easiest thing to climb when you are well and I got almost to the top
and just gave out. One of our fire room men who had made it aboard saw I was
about done for and he said, “Here, Jonesie, give me your hand,” and he pulled
me aboard and laid me down by the fire room hatch. He set on the other side and
the next day I asked someone where Carl Hunstein was and they told me he got
killed. I told them I knew better because he had helped me aboard and they said
right after that someone went over to talk to him and he was sitting there
dead. Anyhow, after he laid me down some men came by with a stretcher and were
taking me aft to the crew’s quarters and they had already started dumping dead
ones over the side. When they were ready to dump one they would blow a whistle
and everyone was supposed to come to attention. They set my stretcher down, I
raised my head and they had me lying right in line with the dead bodies. I made
sure to let them know I was still alive. Of course I was covered with oil and
they were taking my clothes off and were going to take my bill fold when I said
wait a minute and took a $20 bill out of it. About two weeks before we were hit
I smoked Sir Walter Raleigh pipe tobacco and on watch one night, my tobacco can
was empty and I took the lead foil out of the can and wrapped the $20 bill in
it and the electrician on watch wanted to know what that was for so I told him
you never know when something might happen and I would have a clean bill to
spend and it did keep it clean. Premonition? I forgot to tell that they came
down through us dropping depth charges and said they sunk the Sub. But that
proved wrong. Remember all this happened in four minutes or less on account of
having no water tight integrity. I do not know how I could move so fast.
When the Benham started for Pearl Harbor they went
up to flank speed and when you do that on a destroyer the crew’s quarters
really shake, but they thought the main thing was to get us to the hospital. Finally
the doctor asked the commander of the ship to slow down because the vibration
was killing the men. The doctors had no experience with these types of injuries
so they cut one of the dead men open to see what they were dealing with and
they said their intestines looked like they had been shot with buckshot and
were full of holes. On the way in, one of the men gave his keys to another man
and told him, “If they don’t do something for me soon, I will jump over the
side.” The next morning at role call he was not there. When we got to Pearl Harbor
Admiral Nimitz was there to greet us. They sent me up to a mobile hospital that
they called the Red Hill. I was there
about two weeks and then we were all sent back to Treasure Island. There was a new ship ready to go into
commission, and said all who wanted to stay together could go aboard it. The
new ship was the USS Gansevoort DD 608 so my days on the USS Hammann (DD 412)
were done.
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